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Below is a list of what Tools & Equipment that are currently available at the Northumberland MakersLab. We are always growing, and raising funds to continue to expand what our Lab has to offer. 

3d printing (Prusa i3)

3D Printing is a process in which material is joined or solidified under computer control to create a Three dimensional object. In the lab we offer the use of the Prusa i3, it is an open-source fused deposition modelling 3D Printer.

Course needed before use.


Computer platform. Arduino is an open-sourced hardware & software company, project and user community the designs & manufactures single-board mircocontrollers & micro controller kits for building digital devices and interactive objects that can sense & control objects in the physical and digital world.

Course needed before use.

lego mindstorm

Building, programming and commanding your own LEGO robots by following simple steps. Control actions like turn, walk, stop, spin and more. With the LEGO Mindsotrm programming robotics is a great introductory on future programming, coding, robotics and more.

ideal for all ages.

"latta family"  tool library

Graciously donated by the Latta Family, we offer our members full access to all tools including Wrenches, Screwdrivers, Hammers and more. 

free access for all members.


The Minecraft education edition explores the interactive world of coding and programming in an easy to learn environment. Children and youth can collaborate coding and creativity to build sustainably in a gaming environment. Encouraging and embracing the way children learn about and become interested in computer programming.

ideal for all ages.

free access for all members.


An Oscilloscope is a Laboratory instrument commonly used to display and analyze the wave form of electrical signals. The main purpose is to graph an electrical signal as it varies over time. Producing a two dimensional graph, with time on the x-axis and voltage on the y-axis.

course needed before use.

printed circuit boards (pcb)

mechanically supports and electronically connects electronic components or electrical components using conductive tracks, pads and other features etched from one or more sheet layers of copper laminated into and/or between sheet layers of non-conductive substrate.

for ages 16 & up.

materials may be needed.


Learning the language of computers. The process of taking an algorithm and encoding it into a notation, or a programming language, so that it can be executed by a computer. Learning about BASIC, Python, Scratch and more. 

materials may be needed.

Raspberry pi

Is a micro computer that plugs into a computer or tv monitor & uses a standard keyboard and mouse. This small device enables users of all ages to explore computing and learn how to program using Programming languages* like Scratch & Python.

for ages 16 & up.

materials may be needed.


Combining design, programming, testing and development with robotics. Creating machines designed to perform tasks currently or previously preformed by humans. Robotic projects are vastly growing within hospitals, military, space exploration and more. 

courses available.


Sewing is the craft of fastening or attaching objects using stitches made with a needle and thread. Sewing is one of the oldest of the textile arts. We offer Sewing Machines as well as hand Sewing courses.

for ages 16 & up.

materials may be needed.


A soldering iron is used to heat metals/ connections to be soldered. For electronic circuits, a 25- to 40- Watt (W) holding iron is recommended.

courses available.

for ages 16 & up.

vinyl cutting

A computer controlled vinyl cutting, printing device. To create a cut out users must design a vector-based image, created in a software program like Adobe Illustrator or Corel Design. It is then sent out to the cutter, where it cutes along the vector paths laid out in the design. Cutting on an X & Y axis over the material, creating any shape imaginable.

for ages 16 & up.

materials may be needed.

*Programming Languages: is a set of rules and functions that let people use computers, cell phones, tablets, etc. Program Languages are designed to make it wast for programmers to write complex instructions. Scratch & Python are two types of programming languages

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739 D'Arcy Street
Cobourg, ON
K9A 0H6


The MakerLab is open throughout the week for programming & MakerLab members.



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